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Problems, bugs, suggestions... anything related to SMPlayer.


Postby walter » Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:07 pm

SMPlayer spielte in der Portable-Version 0.6.8.r3213 auch AviSynth-Scripts ab. Der Players stürzte jedoch beim Beenden ab.
Die neue Portable-Version 0.6.9.r3447 spielt nun keine AviSynth-Scripts mehr ab.
Kann mir jemand darüber Auskunft geben.

Translation with PROMP-Translator:
SMPlayer played in the portable version 0.6.8.r3213 also AviSynth-Scripts, but the players crashed while quitting.
Now the new portable version 0.6.9.r3447 plays no more AviSynth-Scripts.
If somebody can provide to me about that information.

Greetings walter

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